Thursday, January 7, 2010

Make No Small Plans...get the how!

“Make no small plans; they have no magic to stir your blood to action. Make big plans, aim high in work and hope.” - Daniel Burnham

What are your plan? What are your dreams? What are your expectations?  How are you going to plan your expectations to fulfill your dreams. Set your goals lofty, my friends. And write them down. Check them daily.  Write them, down, don't just type them.  Go, get a piece of paper, scrap, notebook, ledger, journal, edge of a newspaper, a brown paper bag.  Write down your goal.  Then every day, write down your goal.  That's right, every day. As you realize your writings you will find the steps you need to succeed daily.  It -the results; becomes self fulfilling prophecy.  You can do, you can achieve, you can venture forth.

You can land a new job, you can find the perfect position. Create it. Write it down, be specific, make that a part of your goal.  HOW you get there. How is the fuel for the fire which ignites you to do the things that make all things possible. How is actionable.

How are you going to differentiate yourself from other candidates? How are you going to show your knowledge of the company when you go into an interview? How are you going to make certain that you are the candidate they select? How are you going to follow up? How are you going to be specific in the interview questions.  How are you going to answer.

Make big plans, and make them detailed. Aim high, in work and hope.  For hope is not lost on those with the how. Hope is not wishing. Hope is preparing and executing with staccato like emphasis. Make your goals actionable. Find yourself getting to the next rung.

Wondering who's hiring and how your going to execute those plans at the new company?

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