It is now Twenty-ten. What are you doing right now to improve your life? I made a conscientious decision late last year to eat in moderation, exercise at least five days a week, and lose 2 pounds per week. It' working! I can tell you that I have made one resolution on New Years, over than 10 years ago, and it's the only that has stuck. I had resolved, to never make another resolution on New Years. -It's worked.
Speaking of working, have you found yourself in the crunch last year? Are you one of the of the 15.4 million persons whom is getting a chance to view their lives from another angle? I don't say that as a slight to those who are unemployed. Every single thing in our lives, I believe, happens for a reason. Not all reasons are good, that I know, however they are not all bad either. Lay-Offs drain you. Mentally, emotionally, financially. They deprive a working man or woman of that feeling of security endorsed by a paycheck.
If you find yourself with that time on you hands; may I suggest a solution? Take a full 40 hours, in solitude. I want you to evaluate yourself. I want you to think about for the first ten hours, how you felt the last full year of employment. Were you elated, did you enjoy your position? Did you absolutely love what you were doing? In contrast were you dis-satisfied? Take that ten hours and write down the longest pro/con list about the job you were doing the last full year. List it all. From the coffee to the benefits.
Now for the second ten hours, I want you to focus on things that you've always wanted to do: accountant, cowboy, scientist, astronaut, chef, whatever. Wanted to always run a burger joint? Wanted the stress-less job of being a people greeter at Wal-Mart? Wanted to hike the Appalachian trail ? Visit all fifty states? Whatever it is is I want you to make of list of things in those then hours that you have ALWAYS wanted to do. Make it as outlandish as you want.
Now for the third ten hour set, I want you to take two hours of that ten to pick your top four favorite items. If a genie appeared and said, "Pick four wishes, and they have to be on that list." ; those are the four I want you to pick.
Focus on four items from the list you made in the second ten hours. Now for the next eight hours, I want you to spend two hours researching everything you can about those possible options. Do you have the education? Is there a commiserate level of income? Is it a new skill? Do you possess current skills be transferred to these new possibilities?
You have a final ten hours, if you've broken this up like a normal work week, this would be toward the end of your fourth day, your Thursday, at three. This is your opportunity moment.
I want you to focus on those four positions, and weigh the possibilities. I want you to spend 5 hours focusing on the number one item, reading, researching, finding whether you really want to change what you are doing. Can you put this plan in motion? It depends. Can you learn that new 'skill' while working another job? Can you find a part-time position working in the new position. Do you want to stay in the same field you were? Can you make any improvements on your knowledge level?
This should give you some idea, of what to do next. And it should leave you feeling hopeful, as well. The next thing I'd suggest if you have time on your hands. Volunteer. Find a school, library, soup kitchen, rotary club, or something. Give back to your community. Volunteer in the line of work which you want to enter. If it is the occupation you left and you have skills, offer those skills to the community. Offer your services in your expertise field, for free to the local museum. Offer to work for free at the new occupation, so you learn how.
This is the time to engage your mind, and learn. Want to learn whose hiring now:
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