Why move? To paraphrase Willie Horton, a 1930's bankrobber, "That's where the jobs are."
You may find that if you are stuck in a city where you have exhausted your status or position, and generally you can if the city you live in is under 100,000 persons; possibly up to 500,000.
Case in Point; OakRidge National Labs was one of the biggest IT employers in the Knoxville TN area in the mid-ninetees. I went to work for SAIC on a subcontract through TEK-Systems. After sixty days I was offered a move to an entirely new field at double the salary I was making. I jumped at the chance. However I burned a bridge. Lesson learned! The doubled salary in a new field lasted 89 days. I couldn't go back to my old position, why? The new job needed me to Start on a Wednesday. They told me that on a Monday. I gave no requisite two weeks notice. Now that hasn't ever come back to haunt me, and here is why: Somwhere around 45 of the 50 states are "Right to Work" states, meaning that you have a right to work or leave, and they have a right to fire you or lay you off, with no notice.
So, I looked around and found jobs in the Richmond Virginia area were plentiful. So I sent off my resume, with my cover letters, via email, letting them know I would move myself. I didn't get so much as one phone call.
So, I called my sister and brother in law, and asked them, "May I use your address on my resume, so it shows I'm a local?" They permitted me to. I began to resubmit resumes, and within a week I had three interviews and job offers. -All my interviews were phone interviews, and I let them know I stilled lived in Tennessee but I would be happy move myself. And ultimately, I did. I commuted for a couple months, home on the weekends so I could see the family (about a six hour drive) but we soon made the move, with the Ryder truck.
Fast forward a few years in Richmond; I had not updated my skillset, this was 2006. I left a job with a major government contractor at Ft. Lee to pursue real estate investment. This paid off well, initially. But six months later, I was back in the work force, and it was another three months after that before I was able to find a job. I went in for an interview for a position back at Ft. Lee with a government contractor. But I didn't get an offer. I followed up, but the response wasn't forthcoming.
I looked around, Dallas area was hiring like crazy. So I called my neice and her husband and asked, "May I use your address on my resume?" They conceded. And I started getting calls and interviews. Now at the time, I totally sucked at phone interviews. I would stammer, and stumble. So I was talking to a company on Tuesday, they wanted to know could I phone interview on Thursday morning. I requested a face to face. I immediately packed my bag for two weeks. Walked downstairs, told my wife, I am going to Texas for an interview, and got in the car and 22 hours later, I was at my neices house. I walked into the interview in Plano Texas on Thursday morning, and was given a second interview on Friday morning, where I was handed on offer letter on the spot with a two week decision period.
I got a call that afternoon from Microsoft. -Interview tip with Microsoft, they called me, I didn't call them.....but KNOW YOUR MICROSOFT ANSWER....just like on the tests. I hadn't updated my skillset to 2003 yet. And I had been actively putting it off. It bit me. I bombed the interview miserably.
The following Monday, I got an offer letter from the company in Central Texas I had interviewed with....so I moved, because that is where the jobs were. I chose them over the job in Plano for two reasons; 1. cost of living was lower than Plano and 2. they covered healthcare for the family 100%!
Want that job in another city?
1. If you are able to, phone a friend in your desired relocation city. See if they will let you use their address. Don't have friends or family? You may want to consider craigslist temporary rooms for rent.
2. Be prepared to pay your own way for the move.
3. Kick ass in the interview.
You can get jobs in other cities and towns, you have to be persistent, but from experience I got interviews and offers AFTER I had a 'local' address.
Find out whose hiring in your state or the state you want to move to: www.govtcontractorjobs.com
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